Discover the In-House Legal Life

5 minutes

Wondering if an in-house legal job is right for you?

In-house legal roles are as diverse as the companies that hire them. Whether you’re joining a family-owned business, a global corporation, or a startup, each workplace presents unique challenges for an in-house lawyer. 

If you’re interested in in-house positions, one of the best ways to know what your job will be like is to speak to in-house lawyers who are in a similar setting to the one you’re considering.

Tech Startups: Being the first in-house lawyer at a tech startup with new funding often means long hours and a high-pressure work environment like those in big law firms. 

Established corporations: Joining a legal department as one of a team of in-house lawyers will typically offer a better work-life balance, with 40-hour weeks, hybrid working and a mix of meetings, contract negotiations, and legal research.

Hybrid working is also a trend that’s here to stay with half of employers supporting a hybrid model and 90% of CEOs claiming that the hybrid work model has reduced their business costs, according to a recent report by OfficeRnD. 

One big difference compared to law firms—and often seen as a significant perk—is the absence of billable hours. Instead, in-house lawyers can focus on providing legal counsel without the pressure of tracking every minute. 

In-house lawyers also play an integral role in projects from the early stages to completion, fostering teamwork and ownership in the results. However, you’re also more likely to encounter non-legal tasks, so it’s important to prioritise and focus on tasks that truly require your legal expertise. 

Interested in finding out what an in-house role could look like for you? Contact us today and discover how we can help you find your perfect fit!