The Secret of My Success
16 Aug, 20235 minutes
What does success look like to you?
If you’re a lawyer, it could be as straightforward as wanting partnership at a big law firm and a big corner office in the city. It’s a goal many lawyers have had since childhood, or starting law school, or since day one of your first legal job passing all those smart-suited office workers in the lobby.
But for many lawyers, even if that was once the dream, things can change, as Eli Albrecht explained in his recent LinkedIn post:
“I was losing touch with all life outside of that office and they were losing touch with me. I came home one day and I was a stranger in my own house. I crumpled on my wife’s shoulder and said, tell me we can do better. Tell me this is not my forever.”
Recognising he no longer wanted to pursue his big law partnership goal, Eli chose an option that would give him more time with his family.
Situations change, goals shift, and it’s important to know how to define and measure success on your own terms.
A law career has so much potential. Financial success and status are not the only goals for lawyers today and your career goals may not be the same today as when you first started out. Many young lawyers entering the legal profession are looking at values, working conditions and company culture, not just salary as goal towards a successful career.
And there are so many ways to be a lawyer these days too. There are:
🌍 Digital nomad lawyers
⚽ In-house lawyers working for their favourite football teams
🚀 Space lawyers
🌱 Environmental lawyers
🗞️ Legal journalists
🎓 University law tutors
Whatever success looks like to you, and however you measure it, make sure it’s on your terms. And we’re here to help you reach your legal career goals, so call us!
Has your definition of career success changed over time? If so, how?
Tell us in the comments below 👇